Tuam Tshoj Lag luam wholesale Portable 1600 Watts 3 Wave Triple Wavelength 755 810 1064nm Cov plaub hau tshem tawm Diode Laser Tshuab

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

808 755 1064 mix waves diode laser plaub hau tshem tawm tshuab;Siv zoo zoo ntawm sapphire siv lead ua, siv tau ntev, tsis yooj yim tawg;Lub teb chaws Yelemees zoo lasers, 40 lab txhaj tshuaj lub neej ntev;

  • Qauv:DY-DL202
  • Laser hom:Lub teb chaws Yelemees Diode laser
  • Lub wavelength:808nm 755nm 1064nm sib xyaw nthwv dej
  • Ua haujlwm vaj huam sib luag:10.4 nti xim LCD kov npo
  • Spot size ntawm handpieces:12 * 12mm
  • Hom kev xa khoom:ncaj sapphire coupling
  • Input zog ntawm cov cuab yeej:2000 W
  • Fast hom (FHR):
  • Lub zog ceev:5-10J / cm2 adjustable
  • Repetition zaus:10Hz
  • Professional hom (HR):
  • Lub zog ceev:6-50J / cm2 adjustable los ntawm ruaj mem tes dav ntau yam (Max.120J / cm2 muaj)
  • Repetition zaus:1-5Hz adjustable los ntawm ruaj mem tes dav ntau yam
  • Pulse dav:80-200ms (Max.350ms muaj)
  • Txoj kev txias:Cua + dej ncig system + semiconductor txias
  • Qib txias:sapphire instant txias thiab daim tawv nqaij nto qis rau 0 ~ -5 ℃
  • Tshuab loj:L143cm * W44cm * H104cm
  • Net nyhav:34kq ua
  • Product Detail

    Peb ib txwm xav thiab xyaum coj raws li qhov kev hloov ntawm qhov xwm txheej, thiab loj hlob tuaj.We aim at the achievement of a richer mind and body and the living for China Wholesale Portable 1600 Watts 3 Wave Triple Wavelength 755 810 1064nm Hair Removal Diode Laser Tshuab, Peb, nrog qhib caj npab, caw txhua tus neeg yuav khoom tuaj xyuas peb lub vev xaib lossis tiv tauj peb ncaj qha rau cov lus qhia ntxiv.
    Peb ib txwm xav thiab xyaum coj raws li qhov kev hloov ntawm qhov xwm txheej, thiab loj hlob tuaj.Peb tsom mus rau kev ua tiav ntawm lub siab thiab lub cev thiab kev ua neej nyobTuam Tshoj Ice Titanium thiab 808nm Diode Laser Tshem Tawm, Peb tam sim no tau tsim kev lag luam loj hauv ntau lub teb chaws, xws li Europe thiab Tebchaws Meskas, Eastern Europe thiab Eastern Asia.Meanwhile nrog lub zog predominance nyob rau hauv cov neeg uas muaj peev xwm, nruj ntau lawm kev tswj thiab kev lag luam concept.we tas li nqa ntawm tus kheej-innovation, technological innovation, tswj innovation thiab kev lag luam tswv yim innovation.Ua raws li lub ntiaj teb kev lag luam zam, cov khoom tshiab tau khaws cia rau kev tshawb fawb thiab muab los lav peb cov kev sib tw kom zoo dua hauv cov qauv, zoo, nqi thiab kev pabcuam.

    dl202 ua

    Kev xav

    Nws siv cov thev naus laus zis raws li kev xaiv lub zog ntawm lub teeb thiab cua sov.
    Lub teeb laser yog absorbed los ntawm melanin nyob rau hauv cov hauv paus plaub hau thiab hloov mus rau hauv tshav kub ua rau cov plaub hau follicle kub uas nce siab txaus kom irreversibly puas cov plaub hau follicle qauv.
    Cov plaub hau yuav ploj mus tom qab lub ntuj follicles physiological txheej txheem thiab ua tiav lub hom phiaj ntawm kev tshem tawm cov plaub hau mus tas li.
    Lub zog laser yog xaiv absorbed los ntawm cov hauv paus plaub hau, yog li cov ntaub so ntswg nyob ib puag ncig yuav tsis raug overheated thiab tsis muaj kev puas tsuaj ntev.
    755nm / 808nm / 1064nm 3 hauv 1 kom zoo dua
    Ua ke 808nm rau txhua hom tawv nqaij, Txhua xim plaub hau;
    Nrog Gemany Imported Diode Laser; Ib Nrab Lub Sijhawm Kho Mob Ua kom muaj kev kho mob ntau dua hauv lub sijhawm tsawg, tso cai rau koj kho cov chaw loj dua sai sai, thaum muab koj cov neeg mob ceev tshaj plaws thiab zoo dua kev tshem tawm cov plaub hau.
    DIODE Laser 1064nm;
    DIODE Laser 755nm;
    Qhov nrov tshaj plaws 755nm diode laser uas hloov lub xeev alexandrite diode laser thiab muaj kev kho mob zoo dua.Nws yog qhov zoo rau melanin nqus 755nm diode laser.Cov yam ntxwv no zoo rau villi tshem tawm cov plaub hau thaum tib neeg siv 755nm diode laser kho kov.Thiab lub sijhawm kho tau luv dua.
    Kev paub tshiab rau cov tawv nqaij tawv tawv tshwj xeeb tshem tawm 1064nm laser, 1064nm wavelength kev tshem tawm cov plaub hau yuav muaj kev nyab xeeb tshwj xeeb tshaj yog rau cov tawv nqaij tsaus, tawv nqaij rejuvenation.kev ua tau zoo, thiab muaj zog lub zog txias ua haujlwm, kev kho kom zoo thiab nyab xeeb.

    808 wb 23 ywv 2

    Muaj nuj nqi

    1: Txhua yam ntawm cov plaub hau tshem tawm ntawm lub cev (cov plaub hau ntawm lub ntsej muag, ib ncig ntawm daim di ncauj, hwj txwv, hauv qab, plaub hau ntawm caj npab, ceg, lub mis thiab cheeb tsam bikini)
    2: laser daim tawv nqaij rejuvenation

    808p ;ua.

    Kev kho mob nyhuv


    Qhov zoo

    Pab pawg kws tshaj lij nrog ntau tshaj 15 xyoo kev txawj thiab kev paub hauv kev zoo nkauj, tsom mus rau kev tsim cov tshuab zoo thiab muab kev pabcuam zoo tom qab muag rau cov neeg siv khoom, tsis tu ncua tsim cov khoom tshiab kom tau raws li kev xav tau ntawm kev lag luam;Kev pabcuam OEM thiab ODM.

    Yog koj muaj lus nug, thov tsis txhob yig

    Tiv tauj peb tam sim no


    Peb yuav muaj cov kws tshaj lij tshaj plaws

    Cov neeg ua haujlwm pabcuam cov neeg siv khoom los teb koj cov lus nug Peb ib txwm xav thiab xyaum ua raws li qhov hloov pauv ntawm qhov xwm txheej, thiab loj hlob tuaj.We aim at the achievement of a richer mind and body and the living for China Wholesale Portable 1600 Watts 3 Wave Triple Wavelength 755 810 1064nm Hair Removal Diode Laser Tshuab, Peb, nrog qhib caj npab, caw txhua tus neeg yuav khoom tuaj xyuas peb lub vev xaib lossis tiv tauj peb ncaj qha rau cov lus qhia ntxiv.
    Tuam Tshoj lag luam wholesaleTuam Tshoj Ice Titanium thiab 808nm Diode Laser Tshem Tawm, Peb tam sim no tau tsim kev lag luam loj hauv ntau lub teb chaws, xws li Europe thiab Tebchaws Meskas, Eastern Europe thiab Eastern Asia.Meanwhile nrog lub zog predominance nyob rau hauv cov neeg uas muaj peev xwm, nruj ntau lawm kev tswj thiab kev lag luam concept.we tas li nqa ntawm tus kheej-innovation, technological innovation, tswj innovation thiab kev lag luam tswv yim innovation.Ua raws li lub ntiaj teb kev lag luam zam, cov khoom tshiab tau khaws cia rau kev tshawb fawb thiab muab los lav peb cov kev sib tw kom zoo dua hauv cov qauv, zoo, nqi thiab kev pabcuam.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb