Laser Tattoo Tshem Tawm System
Q Hloov ND YAG LASER TATTOO Tshem Tawm Tshuab
The Q-switched nd yag laser Systems can successfully lighten oreradicate avariety of benign epidermal and dermapigme-nted lesions and tattoos with minimal risk of untowardeffects.
808 plaub hau hle laser + Q Hloov Laser 2 hauv 1 lub tshuab DY-DQ
808NM thev naus laus zis thiab Q Hloov Laser thev naus laus zis tau txig sib xyaw ua ke hauv ib lub cuab yeej; Ob tus laser tes tuav yuav tshem tau, yooj yim hloov thiab tswj; Laser tes yog lub neej ntev thiab muaj zog tso zis; Zoo zoo ntawm kev ua kom txias los tiv thaiv tshuab ua haujlwm hauv 24 teev;
Kev Kawm Q Hloov Laser & Carbon Peeking System Dy-C4
Cov Txheej Txheem Tshiab ND Gag Laser nrog peb qhov kev kho mob ntsuas 1064nm, 532nm, 1024nm wavelength.
High zog Q Hloov Laser & Carbon Peeking System Dy-C5
Medical Q Hloov Yg laser, pom zoo rau kws kho mob siv hauv chaw kho mob thiab tsev kho mob; Txheem 6Hz (Max.10Hz rau kev xaiv) Max.1000mj (Peak tus nqi nce mus txog 1500MJ)
Kev Kawm Q Hloov Laser & Carbon Peeking System Dy-C6
Loj 10.4 nti kov screen; tshem tau cov tes tsis tau; Kev tshaj lij rau tattoo tshem tawm thiab lub ntsej muag pev tas; CE pom zoo
Classic Q Hloov Laser Tattoo Tshem Tawm Ntaus DY-C101
Classic Portable ND YAG Laser Q Hloov nrog peb Cov Lus Qhia Kho Mob 1064nm, 532nm, 1320NM
Desktop Q Hloov Laser Tattoo Tshem Tawm Ntaus DY-C302
CE kev pom zoo liser kev zoo nkauj tshuab q hloov, cov nqaij tshem tawm, cov tawv nqaij sib sib zog nqus, cov pa hluav taws xob tshem tawm, thiab lwm yam.
Q Hloov yag laser + ntau-polar rf 2 hauv 1 system dy-lr
2 hauv 1 muaj nuj nqi, yag laser muaj zog + rf muaj nuj nqi; Ua haujlwm tuav: YAG Laser tuav tes nrog 1064nm, 532nm, 1320NM. RF ntsej muag taub hau, thiab lub cev rf lub taub hau; Rau kev tshem tawm tattoo, daim tawv nqaij nqa, wrinkle tshem tawm thiab lwm yam;